

1. Investment steps: 1. Register a member account → 2. Set up relevant certification → 3. Pass the qualification review → 4. Recharge → 5. Join the project → 6. Dividends → 7. Complete the detailed explanation: 1. Apply f a registered member account online: Click  Enter the registration interface in the "Registration" section of the webpage, fill in the infmation as required,  submit after reading  agreeing to the "Registration Agreement".  Note: Please remember the user name  login passwd of the member account  keep it safe!  2. Set up relevant authentication: click on the "My" column to complete the relevant authentication, bind the cash withdrawal receiving bank card,  change the transaction passwd.
 Note: The certified real name must be the same as the receiving name of the withdrawal bank card; the bank card number is the receiving card number of the member withdrawal, please check carefully!  The transaction passwd system defaults to the login passwd, it is recommended to change it!  3. Pass the qualification review: Click "My",  click "Perfm Real-Name Authentication" to pass the review.  4. Recharge member account: After passing the review, click "My"  click on the "Recharge" column to recharge.  5. Join project investment:  the cresponding project accding to the level to enter the investment interface,  learn me about the project details to join the investment.  (Note: Novice trial investment projects can only receive the principal  income,  cannot receive the sign-in fee. They can only receive investment in official projects)
 6. Waiting f dividends: the system will automatically distribute dividends (daily dividends will be distributed within 24 hours, weekly dividends will be distributed after 7 days, monthly dividends will be distributed after 30 days),  the income will automatically be added to the "available funds" in the member's account  .  Note: The "available funds" in the member account is me than 500 rupees,  you can choose to apply f withdrawal  continue investing at any time (the amount of withdrawal is a multiple of 100); the account number of the member's withdrawal is subject to the account number entered in the system; the arrival time is the member application submission  Within the next 2 hours; 7. The investment is completed: After the project expires, the system will automatically return the principal to the "available funds" in the member's account,  the member can choose to withdraw  continue to invest in the project at any time.
 2. Recharge steps: 1. Click "My" on the page  then click the "Recharge" column to enter the recharge interface,  the payment method, enter the recharge amount  submit the application.  2. Contact online customer service  ask f the company's financial collection account.  3. Complete the payment accding to the account provided by the website  Finance.  4. After completing the payment, provide the member account number, recharge amount,  payment account name f financial checking.  5. Online Finance confirms the recharge of the member account accding to the actual amount received.  6. After the recharge is complete, log in to your account  click on the page "My" to check  join the project investment.