

投资详情 项目保证
项目金额: 500000万元人民币;
股利 EverydayTotal dividend income 10%(保本保息)
投资金额: 最低起投700000.00元(限买1份)
项目期限: 5 自然日
收益计算: original capital of investment 10% =350000元;
还款方式: 到期还本还息 节假日照常收益;
结算时间: When due, the system will return the dividend and product principal to your member account;
可投金额: 投资期间只要产品未投满,投资者均可自由投资;
安全保障: 对平台上的每一笔投资提供100%本金保障,平台设立风险备用金,对本金承诺全额垫付;
项目概述: Investment InThe project The raised funds are used for the direct investment operation of the project. As an investor, the dividend is fixed and there is no risk. All the risks of the operation are borne by the company and the guarantee company, and the investor does not need to bear any risk。
推荐奖励: At the bottom of the member center (invite friends) forward to your circle of friends, as long as your friends through the invitation of QR code registered as a level, recharge and successful investment in a one-time repayment project, you can get according to the amount of investment0%After successful registration, the system will automatically give you a reward!




Fund guarantee 

User trading funds are managed by the bank as a three-party custody, strictly in accdance with the stard mode of special accounts  special funds,  are subject to dual supervision by the bank  the client securities company.  Various appropriate physical, electronic  management measures are taken to protect data. All private infmation is encrypted by MD5 to prevent anyone, including company employees, from obtaining user infmation. 



We adopt a real-name authentication system.  Real-name authentication is required befe investment  financial management to ensure that the user’s identity infmation is true  valid.  It ensures that the flow of funds is traceable.  Ensure that user funds are foolproof.  Various appropriate physical, electronic  management measures are taken to protect data. All private infmation is encrypted by MD5 to prevent anyone, including company employees, from obtaining user infmation. 


Infmation security 

We strictly abide by relevant national laws  regulations to protect the privacy of our guests.  Without your consent, we will never disclose your personal infmation, account infmation  transaction infmation to any third-party companies, ganizations  individuals. 


Website security 

Secure socket layer protocol  256-bit encryption technology. When customers conduct member management, personal account management, recharge  other operations involving sensitive infmation, the infmation is automatically encrypted to ensure the safety of customers' personal infmation  the safety of financial transactions.  Various appropriate physical, electronic  management measures are taken to protect data. All private infmation is encrypted by MD5 to prevent anyone, including company employees, from obtaining user infmation.
